concetto / concept Gaëtan Rusquet
disegno sonoro e performance dal vivo / sound design and live performance Yann Leguay
performers Amélie Marneffe, Gaëtan Rusquet, Claire Malchrowicz
light design e scenografia / light and set design Gaëtan Rusquet
ideatore / developer Jack Boyer
direttore del palco / stage manager Guillaume Bernier
produzione / production Workspacebrussels, Commission art numérique, Hiros
con il sostegno di / with the support of Volksroom Brussels, Wallonie Bruxelles International, MDT Stockholm and iMAL
grazie a / thanks to Julia Irribaria, Julien Dubourg, Macha Planke, Lucille Calmel, Gillie Kleiman, Workspacebrussels, La Bellone House of performing arts.